The MCF Federation has revealed its plans to get practice and racing restarted in the UK following the latest Covid-19 advice. It includes youth racing restarting on July 4 – with lots of stipulations. The official info is:
Effective from Saturday 6th June (without age restriction): Practice & Training events can commence under guidelines stated in the MCF COVID-19 Guidance, Getting Back on Track document which has been forwarded to all our affiliated clubs.
Effective from Saturday 4th July (without age restriction): Race events can commence under the guidelines that have been sent to all MCF affiliated clubs.
A brief summary of requirements is below:
• Online booking is essential, and all riders for all events/practices are NOT able to enter an event without a full MCF licence. Annual practice/competition licences must be in place in order to remain contactless at all times and are available online via MCF. Day licences are not permitted.
• New MCF 2020 NCC licence (Non-Contact Competition) will be made available to buy online from Monday 1st June 2020, will be valid until 31st December 2020 and will replace the current Day Licence.
• Pre-entry only – Payment should be made prior to the event/practice via bank transfer or Paypal.
• Practice numbers should be no more than 50 riders in attendance at any time. No spectators allowed.
• Race event numbers: This will be determined by the size of the venue, ensuring that every criterion of social distancing can be enforced at all times. No spectators allowed.
• Until the government states otherwise, there is to be NO pre or post-event camping.
• Social distancing must be adhered to at all times. Signs will be in place to support this.
• Those attending should stay within their household groups and maintain social distancing at all times.
Any questions about how the new guidance will affect your club/practice track, please contact them directly. Please understand that these are new working parameters for us all, so your understanding, patience and flexibility at this time is appreciated.Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation throughout this ever-changing situation.