Weston Peick is recovering nicely at Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière after a seven hour surgery to address his multiple facial fractures following his crash at the Paris Supercross last weekend.
The Road2recovery charity has said that: “This surgery went longer than expected due to the extensive trauma to and around his eyes and nose. According to Peick’s doctors his second surgery was a success. They were able to repair all the damage he sustained and expect to remove his tracheostomy tube as early as Tuesday, November 27th. With a possible release date as early as Friday, November 30th if he meets all release requirements.
“Due to the successfully second surgery that had no complications and the proficient surgically staff, once the tracheostomy tube is removed Peick will be cleared for non-medical assisted air transport. He will be required to have non-assisted commercial air transport but that will be a fraction of the expected cost. Peick will have a long road to a full recovery once he’s back in California. According to his Paris surgeons, the damage he sustained to his right eye will require treatment from a specialist and he will need another less invasive nose surgery once the swelling has gone down.
“Peick has had some of the best care possible during this trying time mainly due to the fast response of Eric Peronnard and everyone involved with the Paris Supercross. Louie Peick, Weston’s father and fiancé Kelly would like to thank everyone that has donated to his cause and have sent positive messages and prayers. With this support for Weston, its one less thing that they will have to focus on.”
You can make a donation to help fund his bills HERE!
Photo Brown Dog Wilson