Stuart Edmonds is out of the Irish Motocross of Nations squad after re-breaking his right arm in practice at the MX Nationals at Cusses Gorse. This comes as a massive blow for Stuart who had set his goal to be fit and ride for Team Ireland at Red Bud on October 6-7 after getting injured back in May.
Irish MX1 champions Richard Bird has been drafted in to Ireland’s MXON Team, his second time to represent his country.
Edmonds said: “I hit neutral on the face of a jump causing a big crash and it has broke a new section of my arm that was fixed in June at the bottom of the plate. I am well and truly gutted, I know the work I put into getting my arm strong again and my fitness up to scratch to race again its been torture for me most days.
“I tried my best but sometimes things like this happen! I wish the lads the best of luck and i will be supporting them 100%! Bring us home a good result lads and sorry for letting you down!”